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The Gathering... | Empath


As an Empath, emotions are your power. The ability to mold and manipulate the feelings of others make you who you are. Allies can be bolstered, foes can be weakened, and even your most hateful enemies can be brought to their knees in worship of your greatness. As an Empath, you can see both the best and worst in people - their true character is laid out before you. Be careful with those you keep close - no one with an Empath as a companion will be free of their emotional influence.

Please keep in mind, as an Empath, you will not know anything/everything about the other player instantly. All Empath abilities/knowledge is gleaned via RP and with the use of RPstats and the below Empath Abilities. In casual RP, if the other player(s) wish to give up any such emotional knowledge to the Empath freely, that is allowed, however.

RP Combat Information

Know Thine Enemy

Beat Wisdom check against DC 10+ target's Charisma. Natural 20 automatically grants all immunities/resistances. For Rp purposes: Empath can learn a subject of conversation that would interest it, an opinion that will affect its emotional state, etc. Something that makes sense logistically via RP in that moment to glean/know/learn via conversation. Natural 20 allows you to gain 2 pieces of information instead of 1.

Self Sacrifice

Channeled for 1d3 rounds. For as long as this spell is channeled, the player can take at their choosing either half or all damage inflicted on the party unto themselves.


Codewise you are automatically given the ability to detect/sense Vampires and Lycans. OOCly, please keep in mind that some try to keep this information private ICly. Sharing such knowledge can have IC consequences.

Empathic Healing

Roll 1d20 Critical Failure Check to attempt to pull the current wounds from the target unto themself, inflicting identicle wounds on himself. Empath takes the damage given to the target of up to the last 3 rounds/attacks and target is healed of the same amount of HP.

Skilled Negotiator

You are aware more than most of the power of words. You use them to make up for the strength your body lacks with the below Empathic Skills:

  • Diplomat's Tongue When it comes to attempts to negotiate or convince another to your liking, you gain advantage on any checks in conversation when Charisma might be needed. This can be used for 1d3 rounds with a 1d20 Critical Failure check to activate. One Charisma attempt at advantage allowed per round with DC 8 + Charisma.
  • Persuasive Words You can give a creature disadvantage on saves against being charmed or frightened. Alternatively, you can talk a creature out of the charm or fear effect by making a contested roll against the person casting the the charm or fear effect. This is done using your charisma against the caster's Spell Save DC. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your charisma modifier.
  • Isolating Words You can unleash a string of insults that causes a creature to retreat into their mind. The creature must make an Intelligence save against your Spell Save DC. On a failed save, the creature falls unconscious. This ability lasts until the creature is healed of any curses, or via another Save check at the end of each of its turns. The creature may make a save with advantage if it is damaged/wounded. Can only be used once per RL day.

Manipulate Emotions

Once per RL day, Empath has the ability to Manipulate the Emotions of another for the length of 1d3 rounds. It will require a 1d20 Charisma Check with DC of 16 with DM's discretion against NPCs. The target may resist with a Willpower Save of 16. Once it fades, the target will only be aware of the Manipulation if they succeed on an Intelligence check of 18 or higher OR if the Empath wishes them to be aware. Below are the Emotions:

  • Courage Target gains immunity to fear spells/skills for duration.
  • Desire Acts as a Charm spell. Can't attack charmer, target charmer with harmful abilities/effects. Charmer has advantage on check to interact socially with target. Target is indifferent about creatures of your choice that it is Hostile toward. This indifference ends if the target is attacked or harmed by a spell. Any RP that comes of this of a SRP nature requires OOC consent.
  • Despair Gives disadvantage on all physical attack rolls made against a target of your choice.
  • Enthusiasm Target can add the Empath's charisma modifier to their initiative and attack rolls.
  • Fear Target is frightened for duration. - Affects based on REMARKS in help cause-fear.
  • Fervor Two options are allowed, but only one can be picked when used:
    1. Grants advantage in asking 1 question to any PC/NPC in a religion in regards to any religous inquiries via global setting.
    2. Any attacks against those of an opposite alignment are granted advantage with success.
  • Focus Target has advantage on all attacks on their next turn.
  • Frenzy Gives target creature an extra attack per round for duration.
  • Joy Target gains advantage on all persuasion checks and charisma saving throws for duration.
  • Power Target gains advantage on all strength, dexterity and constitution for duration.
  • Rage Grants Rage on the target: 2 Rounds - Cannot be Disabled early. Hitroll +1. Damage Rolls +2. Armor Class dropped by 2. All damage against player gets a +4 modifier. Player doesn't fall unconcious at 0 HP; if brought below 0 during. Target continues to take action untill killed. (-10 HP)
  • Shock Stuns target until end of their next turn.
  • Terror Target is frightened, with you as the object of this fear, for duration and takes 1d8 psychic damage.
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