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Character Creation
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Character Creation Tools

Creating a new character

When you first connect to our mud, you'll be prompted to either sign in or to create a new character. If you're a new player, simply type new and follow the prompts to begin the creation of your character.

Color Codes

If you need to see what color codes you are able to use, you can type help ctable.
You can use these color codes in both your short and long descriptions.

Description Help

Basic Description Information

To edit your short description (the one that shows up in place of your name) simply type short and the description that you wish to use, then press enter.

To edit your long description (the one that shows when you use the look command) type desc and press enter. This will enter APPEND mode where you can enter your long description. To stop editing this description, simply type @ on a new line.

Description Generator

You can use this generator if you want your descriptions to use more than just the basic colors listed in the color table.

This is the text you would like to format. Gradient Stops:

This is what your text will look like after formatting.