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The Gathering... | Spiritualist


The Spirits of Nature are what was used to create and maintain the realm. What some call the weave is actually the way a thin line connects every spirit of nature to Nature herself, each being a part of her that she has sent out and into the realm. There are several kinds of spirits, though each is as important as the next. For Spiritualists, it is their Guardian spirits that might choose to aid them.

Guardian Spirits are spirits that all are born with. Though not all are bonded to. That sick feeling in your gut that tells you something is wrong. The hair that stands on the back of your neck or feeling that you should turn right when your intent is left is the guardians way of speaking to you. Seeking to aid and protect their charge. A person can have up to three Guardian Spirits through their life, though the one they are born to, is forever at their side. Only those who have taken part in a Spirit Quest are bonded to their Spirit Guide, their Guardian Spirit.

It is a Spiritualist that may still bequest of the Guardian Spirits that may protect them, providing their aid when it is most needed. Typically unseen, a Spiritualist might still sense their Guardian Spirits's precense and either mentally or verbally request what is desired in aid, yet there are limitations to this, as the Guardian Spirits can only do so much for the one whom which they protect.

For more information on the other Spirits of the realm, please refer to help spirits.

RP Combat Information

Note: Spell Casters DC Table
Level 1 - 25 DC 6
Level 26 - 50 DC 10
Level 51 - 75 DC 14
Level 76 - 100 DC 16

Spell: Aspect of Fire
Spell Type: AoE
Attack Syntax: 1d20 + SpellHitroll
Damage: 2d5 + SpellDam
Critical Strike Mod: x2 (4d5 + SpellDamroll)
Damage Type: Fire
Automatic Hit / Saving Throw: Yes
Remarks: Can call either a ball of fire to roll in a straight line across enemies or for a straight wall of fire to form to either block enemies out or in. Any who are within the ball or wall's line of fire OR within 5 feet of it have a chance to be hit. All targets within the line must make a (REFLEX) save to get out of the way or be hit.

Spell: Aspect of Water
Spell Type: Misc & Melee. See remarks.
Attack Syntax: See remarks.
Damage: See remarks.
Damage Type: See remarks.
Automatic Hit / Saving Throw: Yes
Remarks: Can force water into locks, be it doors or objects, to unlock them, unless they are warded magically. IE: Areas flagged private/invite only and areas that are protected in other means.
To attempt to unlock: 1d20 + Intelligence
This will determine how much finesse or force you might use to attempt to open the lock. To unlock a door: DC 15. To unlock a standard locked item: DC 13.
Note: What can or cannot be unlocked in this way is based on DM discretion.

A Spirtualist can also call forth a stream of water to attempt to drown an enemy. Target may make a (REFLEX) save to try and avoid this. If failed, player takes 3d3 + SpellDam with Drowning IRV. If hit and target is a caster, they will be at DISADVANTAGE on their next round for casting as their throat would be damaged.

Spell: Aspect of Air
Spell Type: Buff/Ranged
Attack Syntax: See remarks.
Damage: See remarks.
Automatic Hit / Saving Throw: Yes
Remarks: Can create a cushion of moving air around themselves, deflecting projectiles and ranged weapon attacks. A -3 penalty to HR affects the attacker's ranged projectile dice roll. Example: If HitRoll is 10, it is lowered to 7.

A Spiritualist is also able to direct a blast of air at a target with a chance of knocking them prone. Attack: 1d20 + SpellHitroll. Damage: 2d3 + SpellDamroll. IRV: Air. Target may make a (FORTITUDE) save to withstand being knocked [PRONE] for 1 round.

Spell: Aspect of Land
Spell Type: Buff
Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for CritFailure].
Automatic Hit / Saving Throw: No.
Remarks: Target regenerates 2d4 +SpellDam of HP/Mana/Move for 2 Rounds.

Spell: Aspect of Metal
Spell Type: Ranged
Attack Syntax: 1d20 +SpellDam.
Damage: 3d4 +SpellDam.
Damage type: Slash.
Automatic Hit / Saving Throw: No.
Remarks: Able to send a wave of spinning, metalic blades towards a target.

Spell: Aspect of Stone
Spell Type: Buff
Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for CritFailure].
Automatic Hit / Saving Throw: No.
Remarks: Grants +3 to DR and +1 to Str for [2 Rounds] for a superior form of strength that aids in damage.

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