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The Gathering... | Bladesinger


A magi both adept at the arcane and blades, the Bladesinger has focused their training to strengthen themselves both mentally and physically.

The below skills/spells will be gained upon becoming a bladesinger.


  • Sword Skill - see helpfile
  • Dual Wield - see helpfile
  • Third Attack - see helpfile
  • Quad Attack - see helpfile
  • Fast Attack - see below


  • Spell Type: Buff
  • Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for Critical Failure]
  • Duration: 1d4 rounds
  • Remarks: See each spell below for details. Only one of the below spells can be placed upon a weapon. Each weapon flag spell is automatically permanent upon the weapon.

NOTE: Do not cast enchantments of any kind upon RELIC or DA weapons as it will break the item.

  • Flame Weapon: For the duration of the spell any successful strike with that weapon will inflict an additional 1d8 fire damage.
  • Frost Weapon: For the duration of the spell any successful strike with that weapon will inflict an additional 1d8 cold damage.
  • Empower Weapon: For the duration of the spell any successful strike with that weapon will inflict an additional 1d8 lightning damage.
  • Drain Weapon: For the duration of the spell any successful strike with that weapon will inflict an additional 1d8 negative damage.
  • Runic Blade: For the duration of the spell any successful strike with that weapon will inflict an additional 1d8 damage of its usual damage type.

RP Combat Information for FAST ATTACK:
There are some who are so practiced and skilled with a weapon, that it has become an extension of them. Not in a literal sense, but in the way they are able to handle their weapons with ease and grace, allowing them to attack faster, striking their opponents with speed and zeal that is unlike any other. This ability however comes at a price, so focused are they with their attacks, that they pay no mind to defense, thus making it easier for their victim to land their own blows, making it more difficult for the one intent on using fast attacks to dodge, parry, or block with a shield.

Attack Syntax: 1d20 + (PhysicalHitroll) per weapon, if dual wielding
Damage: 1d8/Longsword, 1d6/Shortsword
Critical Strike Mod: 2d8/Longsword, 2d6/Shortsword.
Damage Type: Slashing/Longsword, Piercing/Shortsword
Automatic Hit / Saving Throw: No
Remarks: Player can only use Fast Attack 3 times during a continued attack/spar and must announce in the mote or OOCly that Fast Attack is being used that round. Player receives AC penalty of -2 for the 2 rounds following Fast Attack. During the round of Fast Attack, player will have Hitroll +1 and Damage +2 on their attack.

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