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The Gathering... | Conjurer


Spell Name: Conjure Item.
Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for Critical Fail]
Damage Type: None
Remarks: Conjures an item of the type specified as shown below.

Syntax: cast 'Conjure item' (type)
Item types are:
light, parchment, container, instrument, drinkcontainer, food, warpstone, bloodflask, lockpick, telepathy, keyring, quiver, tobacco, pipe, heartstone, pcontainer, journal, potion, scroll, ranged, armor, weapon.
For ranged, armor, and weapon items you can specify a level at the end.

Spell Name: Conjure Campsite
Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for Critical Fail]
Damage Type: None
Remarks: Conjures up a campsite complete with fire, bedroll, a spring, and food. Resting and partaking in the comforts of the conjured campsite for 30 RL minutes is to be considered a passing of 8 hours and a long rest ICly. At the end of a long rest, a player regains all lost Hit Points. During this time, any negative affects upon the player that is NOT from a godspell is considered expired. Do keep in mind players must actually be resting and doing no heavy activity. Light activity can include: reading, talking, eating, or standing watch for no more than 2 IC hours.

If the rest is interrupted by a period of strenuous activity, at least 1 hour of walking, fighting, casting Spells, or similar Adventuring activity, the players must begin the rest again to gain any benefit from it.

This spell can only be cast once per RL 24-hour period to be used as a long rest, and a character must have at least 1 hit point at the start of the rest to gain its benefits. However, so long as a player is there to stoke the fire and keep it burning and the campsite is not abanonded it will remain to be used, along with its benefits, for an IC 48 hour time frame. Recasting for OOC purposes is allowed during this time in case the items poof or due to crash, etc.

Spell name: Conjure Vile Creature
Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for Critical Fail]
Damage Type: None
Remarks: Conjures one of several vile creatures that will be considered charmed and a pet. If the DM is an Immortal, they may load which creature based on their own discretion or player can roll 1d3 for the below. Otherwise casting the spell will provide one of the below.

  1. Yeth Hound [Vnum 200]
  2. Floating Gauth [Vnum 201]
  3. Winged Harpy [Vnum 202]

Spell Name: Conjure Benign Creature
Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for Critical Fail]
Damage Type: None
Remarks: Conjures one of several benign creatures that will be considered charmed and a pet. If the DM is an Immortal, they may load which creature based on their own discretion or player can roll 1d3 for the below. Otherwise casting the spell will provide one of the below.

  1. Owlbear [Vnum 203]
  2. Stirge [Vnum 204]
  3. Mudmaw [Vnum 205]

Spell Name: Conjure Blessed Creature
Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for Critical Fail]
Damage Type: None
Remarks: Conjures one of several angelic/blessed creatures that will be considered charmed and a pet. If the DM is an Immortal, they may load which creature based on their own discretion or player can roll 1d3 for the below. Otherwise casting the spell will provide one of the below.

  1. Gremlin [Vnum 206] (don't get it wet ;) )
  2. Blink Dog [Vnum 207]
  3. Pseudodragon [Vnum 208]

Spell Name: Conjure RP-Item.
Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for Critical Fail]
Damage Type: None
Remarks: Conjures an RP item you describe. Use responsibly. This should follow the rules of help string-rules.

Syntax: cast 'conjure rpitem' (string)
The string should be the short description desired. This will make an item that can be held, if wished, but does not have to be used in such a capacity. This spell is considered primarily for RP flavor and is to be used for RP purposes only. Color as desired!


  • an elegant, silk folding hand fan decored with sakura blossoms
  • a deck of cards depicting various succubi
  • a cute cat figurine
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