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The Gathering... | Beastmaster


Beastmasters are able to have up to six companions that travel along with them. Should a companion die, a beastmaster is able revive them. Beastmasters are able to communicate with creatures in a sense, not in the way that they can have an actual conversation with one, but they are able to sense a creatures fear, intent, needs, etc. A beastmasters pet will also tell them when someone who is sneaking, hidden, or invisible walks into the room if the beastmasters pet has the ability to detect such things. Greater tame also allows a beastmaster to possibly tame a mob that is not ordinarlly not tameable. With the beastmasters exceptional ability to connect to the wild creatures around them, they can call upon their aid to help them when they are in distress to trample their enemies using animal like sounds that can be heard from a distance.

RP Combat Information

Animalistic Perception If they currently have a pet, grant advantage on perception checks
Greater Tame Given advantage on any check to domesticate or pacify a wild animal [CHA - Animal Handling]
Stampede AoE - Natural sectors only. 1d20 Crit fail check. Beastmaster rolls 1d4+3 to determine how many animals come to the beastmasters aid. Type of animal it calls on determined by DM. Those in the path of the stampede must make a REFLEX save of DC 18. Each of those who fail their save, roll 1d8 trample/bash damage per animal summoned without any damroll bonus, for a max roll of 7d8 possible. Stampede can only be used once a day. Those flying not effected.
Summon Flock 1d20 +spell hitroll goes against touch AC. Can only be used during the day. If successful a flock of normal birds fitting the area or sector will harrass the target for 1d3 rounds. The TARGET must make a WILLPOWER roll of DC 10 each round the birds harrass them in order to be able to attack or cast. The target takes damage of 2d4 +spell dam (pierce) the first round. Can only be used once. (Does not fall under once per day but once per battle/encounter.)
Summon Nocturnal Works the same way as Summon Flock however bats are called upon rather than birds. Neither require natural sectors to work. Summon Nocturnal can only be used at night.
Pets Allowed (1) companion per remort level to engage in combat as if a PC. If the beastmaster is riding their pet, they are unable to use their pets attacks, but can use ranged attacks off the back of of the mount. Ie: Bows

See help rp-combat for an explanation of Advantage.
OOC Note: Beastmasters who abuse their pets by having the pet attack for them constantly to avoid damage or remain hidden, risk their pet turning on them, and losing the pet permanetly.
If the beastmasters pet falls into the "out of the norm" category it must be preapproved by the Staff PRIOR to the rp to be used.
Only preapproved pets may be revived using a crit check. Creatures that fall into the category of "out of the norm" can not be revived. "Out of the norm" is determined by Admin only.

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