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The Gathering... | Cavalier


The Cavalier subclass is for characters that want to excel in all things having to do with mounts and mounted combat. They are superb at all forms of riding and control of their mounts. Though they tend to bond with one animal and ride that one primarily for everything they need a mount for, they can ride any animal with equal skill. Cavaliers gain automatic maximum skill in both riding and animal training, which allows them to mount and break wild creatures into trained mounts. Because of their great skill in riding, it is impossible for a cavalier to be forcefully knocked from their mount unless they wish it. If a Cavalier ever finds themselves without a mount, and they require one, they have a 'mountsummon' command that allows them to summon up a decent mount. Cavaliers also gain bonuses to mounted combat, hitting harder and more often from their mounted positions, and they are also able to utilize four mount attack skills. Charge, mountkick, rearkick, and jumpkick will give their mount commands to perform an attack on the enemy. A mounted cavalier can be devastating in combat, and a wonder to watch as cavalier and mount work together as a graceful, powerful team in any endeavor.

RP Combat Information

  • Charge - 2d5 - DC12 [REFLEX] save or knocked [PRONE] by the attack. (see help rp_conditions)
  • Mount Kick - 1d8
  • Jump Kick - 1d6
  • Rear Kick - 1d10

Mounts are used for mounted combat only with the above skills, and the skills of the rider. Mounts can not be used for tracking, trap checking, etc.

Cavaliers in roleplay combat use a mount attack in addition to their personal attack.

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