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The Gathering... | Champion


The Champion subclass is for those characters that wish to play themselves as a true hero, a champion of causes, and a defender of what they believe to be right in the world. Champions, no matter the character's main class, will gain all attack numbers up to and including sixth attack, allowing them to be much more devastating with their weaponry. They also get a powerful bladesweep attack, which hits every enemy in the room with a double swing of their weapons. In addition, to help Champions excel in whatever they might do, they receive a permanent +200 bonus to hit points and also a permanent +10 bonus to critical strike. Champions tend to be supreme in whatever they want to accomplish, and give even heroes someone to look up to.

RP Combat Information

  • Bladesweep - Weapon Damage - Strike at all targets in melee range
    * Player suffers a penalty of -2 AC for the round following bladesweep
  • Critical Strike - Player will 'critical hit' on a natural 19 or 20.
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