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The Gathering... | Footpad


The Footpad subclass is for those characters that might be a little more nefarious. Footpads gain access to a few skills that normally only thieves have access to, which is helpful, though if you are a thief already, the Footpad subclass will not improve your abilities much. It is mainly for non-thieves, so that less moral characters might have a chance to play to those immoral virtues.

Footpads gain access to hide and sneak, so that they might move around and lurk without others noticing them. They gain access also to the 'steal' command, which allows them to take things and money from other people, hopefully without being caught. In addition to these things, they have a new skill. 'Shoplift' will allow Footpads to steal items directly from shops, so long as the shop is not protected in some way, which will also allow them to traffic in stolen goods, stealing items from one shop and selling them elsewhere. Pickpocket will easily gain the Footpad some extra coin to line their pockets.

Resist DC Table
Level 1 - 24 DC 6
Level 25 - 44 DC 8
Level 45 - 74 DC 10
Level 75 - 89 DC 14
Level 90 - 100 DC 16

RP-Combat Information

Skill Name: Steal

Attack Syntax: 1d20 + Dexterity

Remarks: Player can steal an item from an NPC/PC's inventory if successful. Item can be specifically chosen by player or randomized by rolling 1d(number) where (number) is the quantity of RP items and non relic/quest items listed in the inventory. IE: If there are 8 (permitted) objects in the inventory list, then roll 1d8. If you roll a 6, you have stolen the 6th item.

Please determine hide or sneak as per their helpfile. If successfully hidden, player has advantage. If successfully sneaking, player is granted +1 Dexterity. If successfully hidden AND sneaking, reduce DC by -1, plus advantage and +1 Dexterity.

Do keep in mind your position in the room compared to the location of who you are attempting to steal from!

Skill Name: Shoplift

Attack Syntax: 1d20 + Dexterity

Remarks: While in a store type shoplift to see if you can steal from the shop. Being caught can land you trouble though! Please determine hide or sneak as per their helpfile. If hidden, player has advantage. To determine what is shoplifted in RP, roll 1d(number) where (number) is the quantity of items listed in the shop. IE: If there are 8 objects in the shop list, then roll 1d8. If you roll a 6, you have shoplifted the 6th item in the list. Do keep in mind your position in the room compared to the location of what you are attempting to take!

Skill Name: Pickpocket

Attack Syntax: 1d20 + Dexterity

Remarks: Pickpocket will allow you to attempt pick coin from someone's pocket. If successfully hidden, player has advantage. If successfully sneaking, player is granted +1 Dexterity. If successfully hidden AND sneaking, reduce DC by -1, plus advantage and +1 Dexterity.

If from a player, a successful roll calls for a 1d20 to determine the percentage of coin to be pickpocketed based on what the target player is carrying 'On Hand', as shown per the money command. For mobs, DM rolls 1d100 x 3. First roll is Silver, second is Gold, third is Legends. Do keep in mind your position in the room compared to the location of what you are attempting to pickpocket!

Syntax: PP (mob/player)

  • If rolled 1-6, all of Silver is pickpocketed.
  • If rolled 7-10, 3/4 of Nobles is pickpocketed.
  • If rolled 11-13, 3/4 of Gold is pickpocketed.
  • If rolled 14-16 1/2 of Crowns is pickpocketed.
  • If rolled 17-19, 1/4 of Legends is pickpocketed.
  • If rolled 20, 1/4 of Talents is pickpocketed.
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