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The Gathering... | Grappler


The Grappler subclass is for those characters that choose to have higher skill in combat without weapons. As a result of their training, all grapplers have maximum skill in the hand-to-hand skill, and also receive good bonuses to damage in hand-to-hand fighting on top of that. They gain the dislocate, bodyslam, and bodythrow skills, which are good grappling attack skills to be used in combat. They also gain suplex, which is a sneak attack, much like backstab is, which can be used to deadly effect. As if these things weren't enough they gain a unique 'chokehold' skill. Chokehold attempts to lock the Grappler's opponent into a chokehold. While in the chokehold position, neither the Grappler nor their victim can act in the fight, but each round the victim will have a chance to break free. If they fail, and enough rounds pass with the chokehold in place, the victim will die of suffocation. Grapplers are very devastating opponents, second only to monks in their hand-to-hand skills, which of course would make monk grapplers the deadliest of them all.

Attack Type: Specialization
Damage: 1d6 + (Physical Damroll)
Remarks: Specially trained in the use of their hands as weapons, a this subclass will utilize this roll, rather than using the standard 1 damage when using unarmed strikes as found in help rp-weapon-damage

Ability Name: Choke
Attack Type: Special Melee
Attack Syntax: N/A
Damage: 1d4 + (Strength Bonus)
Damage Type: Bash
Remarks: You can use the attack action on your turn to make a special melee attack, a choke. It requires two free hands (or one free hand if the target is two or more sizes smaller than you) and you must have the target grappled as described in rp-action. You cannot choke a creature larger than you, and the target must have a neck which you can fully grasp. The target is out of breath and immediately begins to suffocate; unable to speak or cast spells (creatures which do not need to breathe are unaffected by this). You must use your action each turn to maintain the choke, and each time you do so, roll damage.
Victims may attempt to escape the grapple at the start of their turn by making a contested strength or dexterity check (their choice) with the grappler as described in rp-action. At the end of their turn, victims whom have been affected by choke for a number of rounds equal to their constitition bonus have their hitpoints reduced to 0, and are unconscious.

Ability Name: Dislocate
Attack Type: Special Melee
Attack Syntax: N/A
Damage: 1d6 + (Strength Bonus)
Damage Type: Bash
Difficulty Class (DC): 6 + (Strength Bonus)
Remarks: You can use the attack action on your turn to make a special melee attack. You must have the target grappled as described in rp-action. Victims must attempt a (Fortitude) saving throw with the DC above, or have their appendage dislocated and suffer damage and the below as appropriate:

  • Arm: Attack rolls and ability checks utilizing the arm have disadvantage.
  • Leg: Movement is reduced by 15ft; if both legs become dislocated then movement is reduced to 0ft.

At the end of their turn, victims whom have been affected by dislocate may make a wisdom check to remove the condition with a DC18; the affect is also removed if they receive healing in any way.

Ability Name: Suplex
Attack Type: Special Melee
Attack Syntax: N/A
Damage: 1d10 + (Strength Bonus)
Damage Type: Bash
Difficulty Class (DC): 6 + (Strength Bonus)
Remarks: You can use the attack action on your turn to make a special melee attack. You must have the target grappled as described in rp-action. Victims must attempt a (Reflex) saving throw with the DC above, or be knocked prone.

Ability Name: Throw
Attack Type: Special Melee
Attack Syntax: N/A
Damage: 1d4
Damage Type: Bash
Difficulty Class (DC): 6 + (Strength Bonus)
Remarks: You can use the attack action on your turn to make a special melee attack. You must have the target grappled as described in rp-action. Victims must attempt a (Reflex) saving throw with the DC above, or be thrown a 15ft in the direction of the attacker's choice.

Ability Name: Bodyslam
Attack Type: Melee
Attack Syntax: 1d20 + (Physical Hitroll)
Damage: 1d12 + (Physical Damroll) Damage Type: Bash
Remarks: Bodyslam is a close-quarters tossing technique common to grappler practitioners. The skilled in-fighter slips a hand over the shoulder and the inner thigh of the target. Once grasped, the wrestler hoists their victim high in the air and tosses them swiftly to the ground. The impact from the ground can cause damage to the back, head, and pelvis depending on landing. Bodyslam is a staple tool for the grappler and should be used often and with much macho.
Syntax: bodyslam (target)

RPStat Information

  • Weapon Type: Melee/Hand to Hand
  • Damage Type: Bludgeoning
  • Damage: 1d12 + (Physical Damroll)
  • Remarks: Must be in close range.
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