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The Gathering... | Shadow


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Shadow Flight

Shadowflight is a spell practiced primarily by the shadowy dabblers in thievery and magics, known as spellfilchers. While similar to the gate spell that mages use, shadowflight isn't as unrestrictive in its uses. In order for shadowflight to work properly, the shadows must be full, meaning the spell can only function between sunset and sunrise.
RPStat Information:
Remarks: Shadow Flight and Shadow Walk are nearly indistinguishable from one another in an In-Character RP environment; however, there is a subtle difference in the mechanics of each:
Shadow Flight: This spell allows a player to transport themselves through the Shadow Realm to any target within 5mi of them. Casting this spell will require a 1d20 roll to ensure a critical failure doesn't leave them stranded in the void.
Shadow Walk: [Limited to 1 / In-Character Day] This ability allows a player to sacrifice 100% of their movement to step through the Shadow Realm and appear at a location of their choosing from their listing, or to any visible location within 120ft of them.
- Both require some kind of significant shadow(s) to be at both the initiating location, as well as the destination; therefore, there will be situations where the DM will determine they may be unusable (ie. noon).
- Additionally, it should be noted that the In-Character day limit isn't one determined by the 'tick' counter, but instead determined by Roleplay. For example, each turn of RPCombat is accepted at being between 6-8 seconds of IC time elapsing.
Realms: [101.0%]conjuration(101%) illusion(101%) summoning(101%)
Mana: 100 DamType: other
Syntax: cast shadowflight (target)

Shadow Walk

Upon greater devotion to the Vadoma faith, the shadows will grant passage through their realm temporarily to those that have earned that honor. This ability transcends simple teleportation. Any place, anywhere, can be traversed to if the devotee has been there once. This power is known as shadowwalking. Shadowwalk allows travel through the world, wherever you've been. By typing shadowwalk remember, a devotee remembers exactly where they have been and so do the shadows. Shadowwalk list allows you to recall all the places that have been memorized by you and the shadows. Shadowwalk forget allows you to forget a particular location, as a devotee may only memorize up to 10 places. By picking a number corresponding to the places memorized, a person can step through the shadows and appear in that location instantaneously. Shadowflight is a spell practiced primarily by the shadowy dabblers in thievery and magics, known as spellfilchers. While similar to the gate spell that mages use, shadowflight isn't as unrestrictive in its uses. In order for shadowflight to work properly, the shadows must be full, meaning the spell can only function between sunset and sunrise.
Syntax: shadowwalk remember (memorizes current location for future use)
shadowwalk list (lists places memorized)
shadowwalk forget (#) (forgets the specified location)
shadowwalk (#) (shadowwalks to the specified location)

Shadow Surge

Shadow surge is a spell practiced primarily by those shadowy dabblers in thievery and magics, known as spellfilchers. This spell brings forth a surge of darkness that attempts to violate the soul of the victim. This spell causes more physical damage in the struggle than anything else.
RPStat Information:
Attack Syntax: 1d20 + (Spell Hitroll)
Damage: 6d4 + (Spell Damroll)
Damage Type: Negative
Automatic Hit / Saving Throw: WILLPOWER Saving Throw
Remarks: Victim(s) struck by this spell need make a saving throw with a DC equal to the damage rolled by the caster. Upon a failure, they suffer an additional 1d10 mental damage as they are truly shaken by the attack.
Realms: [101.0%]evocation(101%) necromancy(101%)
Mana: 25 DamType: negative
Syntax: cast 'shadow surge' (target) (offensive)

Shadow Stream

Shadow stream summons conjures a shadowy sphere of negative energy to form from the palms, then surges forward and blasts into the victim, draining the life.
RPStat Information:
Attack Syntax: 1d20 + (Spell Hitroll)
Damage: 4d4 + (Spell Damroll)
Damage Type: Negative
Automatic Hit / Saving Throw: WILLPOWER Saving Throw
Remarks: Victim(s) struck by this spell need make a saving throw with a DC15. Upon a failure, they are [FRIGHTENED] for 1 Round.
Realms: [101.0%]evocation(101%) necromancy(101%)
Elements & Seasons: [101.0%]moon(101%)
Mana: 15 DamType: negative
Syntax: cast 'shadow stream' (target) (offensive)

Embrace Shadows

Spell form of shadowfold, carries followers along also.
Syntax: cast 'embrace shadows'

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