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The Gathering... | Guttermage


RP Combat Information

Spell Name: Ghost Sound
Attack Syntax: 1d10 + (Charisma)
Damage: N/A
Damage Type: N/A
Remarks: The caster is able to magically produce any sound of their choosing, at a location of their choosing within sight. All creatures and/or players within earshot [DMs discretion] whom can hear it must make a 1d20 + (Wisdom) check. The DC to resist being distracted by the sound for 1 Round will be the result of the casters charisma roll.

Spell Name: Gutter Storm (AoE)
Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for Critical Failure]
Damage: 3d4 + (SpellDamroll)
Damage Type: Pierce
Remarks: Calling upon the elements, the caster is able to produce a sudden and furious storm which whips up all kinds of debris towards the intended area (up to 100ft diameter, centered on a point of their choosing). Anyone caught in the area must make a 1d20 + (Reflex) saving throw; against a DC16. Successful saves only take 50% damage.

Spell Name: Mirror Image
Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for Critical Failure]
Damage: N/A
Damage Type: N/A
Remarks: For [3 Rounds], any successful hit on the caster will require an additional 1d4 be rolled by the attacker. A result of 4 will hit the intended target, and break their concentration on the spell; therefore, dispelling the image. A result of 1-3 will hit and destroy the mirror image.

Spell Name: Hide Group
Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for Critical Failure]
Damage: N/A
Damage Type: N/A
Remarks: Using both their knowledge and a bit of magical enhancement, the caster may assist a group in hiding from threats. That is, any stealth checks required by a group of creatures and/or players will require at least 33% of the group to fail their checks for them to be discovered. Otherwise, they remain hidden.

Spell Name: Skillful Hands
Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for Critical Failure]
Damage: N/A
Damage Type: N/A
Remarks: Any dexterity checks made while under the effects of this spell will be made with advantage.

Spell Name: Gaseous Form
Attack Syntax: 1d20 [Check for Critical Failure]
Damage: N/A
Damage Type: N/A
Remarks: The caster is able to transform his/her body into a gaseous state, similar to that expelled by Breeki. While in this form, they are considered to be flying and incorporeal.

Spell Name: Gutter Swarm
Attack Syntax: 1d20 + (SpellHitroll)
Damage: 2d5 + (SpellDamroll)
Damage Type: Pierce
Remarks: May only be used where swarms of rats might be logically available (ie. swamps, cities) at the DMs discretion. The target of these attacks must make a 1d20 (Fortitude) saving throw with a DC value equal to the damage roll inflicted by the caster; upon a failed save the target is poisoned until they are cured, or make a successful saving throw which may be rolled at the end of each of their turns.

Note: See helpfile RP-Condition for an explanation on being poisoned.
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