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Race Info - Ambar

Ambar [TG Original]

At a Glance: Gold skinned, elf-like humanoids with bird shapeshifting powers

Known Subraces: None

Physical Descriptions

Height 5'8'' - 6'10'' Weight 145 - 320
Skin Type Skin Coloring Iridescent Golden Hues
Eye Type Standard Coloring Teal, Green, Blue, Violet
Hair Type Standard Coloring White, Blonde, Amber
Lifespan Average 390; Maximum 888 Language Elven, Common
Physical Extras Wings Breeding Ambar, Saurot, Elf, Human, Half-Elf, Demon, Hanyou, Angel

Base Statistics

-1 1 1 0
1 0 0 400

General Physical Description & Biology

The Ambar Nelath are bathed in the golden hue, covering their skin in a casting of rich brilliance, often with a glittery pearl sheen. Not elven and not angelic, the Nelath are a unique and incredible sight to behold. Their facial features often lean to elven or half-elven heritage, with the slender and shapely ears, beautiful and stately structure. The males can grow impressive beards if so desired. Their eyes are bright and bold in shades of teal, greens, blues and even violets- they never have dull shades of browns or silvers for their large, bright eyes. Their hair is typically straight with only rare instances of waves. The coloring tends to match their golden skin, coming in hues of white, blonde and amber. They are Healthy eaters, they seem to have an appetite for most common recipes, favoring fresh fruits, veggies, breads and tasty brews. This does vary though, depending on the individual's preference. In addition to their humanoid appearance, they can shapeshifters in two ways.
Shape One: they can simply have their wings exposed, the wings that match their full shapeshifted form- that of a great griffon, pegasus, birds of all kinds or even butterfly. The feathers can be white, gold, bronze, tangerine and ice blue or any combination of the options.
Shape Two: They can take on the full form of their winged attribute. Or at least most can- those who take on a bird form. Those Ambar who are a pegasus, Griffon or Butterfly cannot fully transform into their shape. It is believed that this has something to do with the nature of the magic and the extreme changes of mass being traumatic on their body.

Basic Personality

Typically known to be muscular and athletic in form, these beings often do well in physical professions. The Nelath are prime candidates for intellectual professions as well and have a strong natural draw to causes they find worthy. An innate gift in the world of art is often credited to the race - ranging from painting to performance arts. There are no restrictions on the alliance/tendencies of the Ambars. They are golden in their appearance but can be quite rotten, just as elves or angels are allowed. (This point is one that nay-sayers recite to reject the concept they are the Amber Knight and Barbediel's own creation).

Origin and Lore

The theory is that these beings are a tribute to the God known as the Amber Knight and the great Barbediel, or as some rumors suggest, their own creation to come into being at the time they did. What is known is that the Ambar-Nelath came into being at the end of the last C.H.E.S.S. game held across several continents. This game takes place every 888 years and always tends to come with a great change. The last game brought into being two races, the Ambar-Nelath and their mirrored cousin the Zrankas-Saurot. (NOTE The Ambar-Nelath and Zrankas-Saurot races are a result of a global role-play storyline. For more information, seek the tome titled C.H.E.S.S.)

Naming Convention

They tend toward elvish style names and most have strong family bonds and trace their lineage back through to their origin at the C.H.E.S.S. game.

Preferred Habitat

They are social creatures and blend into any society, preferring cities and social hubs.

Society Structure

They blend into the structure of the cities where the are from.

RP Skills / Abilities

2 Shapeshifts - Wings and Full "bird form".

Resistant Light; Vulnerable Negative