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The Gathering... | Avian

Avian [Anthro Races]

At a Glance: Feathered race of birds that sometimes, but not always, have humanlike faces.

Known Subraces: None

Physical Descriptions

Height 3 ft. - 5 ft. Weight 50 lbs. - 100 lbs.
Skin Type Feathered Coloring Feathers can be any color of the rainbow, skin is in earthy tones, scutes can be natural tones + yellows/oranges + neutral tones
Eye Type Round pupils that reflect light in the dark. Coloring Can be any color of the rainbow, usually vibrant
Hair Type Crests of feathers on the head. Coloring Can have straight hair that come in natural or neutral colors, more than one color is not uncommon
Lifespan Average 64, Maximum 90 Language Common, Avian
Physical Extras Wings, tail, talons, some have retractable teeth and beaks Breeding Can only crossbreed with egg-laying races that have cloacas

Base Statistics

-7 +41 -12 +18
+15 +10 +65 210

General Physical Description & Biology

Avians are small and uncommon creatures. They are covered head to toe in feathers but sometimes have scutes on their limbs. They all have wings and a tail and require both to fly. They are lightweight and easy to overpower and carry. Their agility, however, makes them hard to catch, especially in the air. They are brightly colored and easily distinguishable and are often considered beautiful.

Basic Personality

Avians are most often spiritual. They respect gods, but tend not to be involved in religions. They worship the skies instead and sometimes nature. They're friendly and easy to get along with but have a ferocious nature when disturbed in certain ways. They're known to hold powerful grudges and will sometimes actively chase those who have wronged them for a long time.

Origin and Lore

It is unknown how avians started. Many suspect it happened when a human crossed with a bird, but this has been disproven as avians are not true mammals in any way. They only sometimes have humanlike faces and hair, but that's as far as it goes. With the origins of avians so shrouded in mystery, some of them dedicate their lives to finding out, but none have yet succeeded.

Preferred Habitat

Mountains, forests, cities

Society Structure

Avians are highly, highly social. If left alone too long, they can quickly develop health problems. They consider their closest companions their "flock" and will defend them with their lives due to their unbending loyalty if treated right. When it comes to avians, they are either friends or enemies for life, and rarely does this change.

RP Skills / Abilities