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Race Info - Draconian

Draconian [Standard]

At a Glance: Proud, dragon-like humanoids

Known Subraces: None

Physical Descriptions

Height 4'10'' - 7'0'' Weight 180 - 450
Skin Type Scales Coloring Red, Black, Green, White, Blue and rarely Metallic
Eye Type Slitted Pupil Coloring Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow, Green
Hair Type None Coloring None
Lifespan Average 100; Maximum 150 Language Common, Draconian
Physical Extras Wings, Tails, Claws and Fangs Breeding Draconian, Jalachara

Base Statistics

1 0 0 0
-1 0 0 500

General Physical Description & Biology

Their key defining features are their leathery scales, sharp claws, and webbed wings. They stand tall on their two digitigrade legs No matter what, Draconians are always covered in leathery, armor-like scales that come in a variety of colors. The most common are red, black, green, white, and blue, although they do rarely come in more metallic gold, bronze, and rarely silver. Wild Magic may leave some Draconians with odd colored scales. Their eye color follows their heritage yellows, golds, green, red, black, and blue. Their hands are dexterous with claws, They have long, sharp fangs that are designed to rip and tear instead of grind. A lost fang will often regrow in a week or so, and continue to be replaced throughout their life. Draconians have a thick, trunk-like tail that is used for balance during flight, and the motivator of flight, their webbed wings. Sometimes tipped with vestigial claws, the wings of a Draconian are fully functioning at a late juvenile age. The only part of their outer body not coated in scales is the webbing that makes up the inside of the wing, and because of that, are often kept folded and protected when not in use. They are egg layers and will protect their eggs until hatching.

Basic Personality

Often being described as filled with hate and pride, many assume them arrogant, and that might be true when a draconian compares themselves to any other race. Draconians often think themselves greater than all other races in the realm because of the dragon-heritage, though specifically despise humans as they are considered the reason the Draconian race was diverged from their powerful ancestors. Contempt for other races is common, as elves, dwarves, and animal-derived races are seen as grown from a realm of weakness. Savage races of Goblins, Orcs, Trolls, Gulachin, and Rawulfs and the like are respected only for their strength in combat, but in other areas will be treated much the same as other humanoids. Demons of all variety and undead are despised as filthy, dishonorable, and mindless. In most situations, Dragons are revered as forefathers and ancestors; in other cases, they might even be worshiped.
Draconian's can make the choice to be different and choose how they act. None of their instincts are impossible to overcome, and some Draconians have been known to break from tradition and be compassionate and calm, while others can be underhanded, shameless, and back stabbing. Even still, most Draconians are creatures of pride due to their Dragon blood. Intensely subject to conformity, most Draconians fall in line with whatever culture they are born into and will defend their way of life violently.

Origin and Lore

Draconians come from a rare paring of human and dragon many generations ago, and because of that, share characteristics between the two. Although most Draconians share the same aspects, depending on how close their ancestry is to their Dragon forefather they may be more human like or more dragon related. Draconians are also primarily carnivores

Naming Convention

Draconians take pride in their Houses and will reference them. They take on family names in the style of Dragons.

Preferred Habitat

Cities and places of honor. While they are war-like they take pride in their civilization as well.

Society Structure

War-like and militant, they have a strict hierarchy. The Empress first, followed by the houses. They act with honor for their people and their empire. They do let those with skill rise in the ranks of the military and the houses. They have a strong military and naval structure.

RP Skills / Abilities

Mild resistance to the elements, but vulnerable to piercing and drowning. Flight.