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Race Info - Drow

Drow [Standard]

At a Glance: Underdark elves; long lived, black skinned, pointy eard humanoids

Known Subraces: None

Physical Descriptions

Height [5'3''] 4'5'' - 5'10'' Weight 80 - 170
Skin Type Skin Coloring dark greys, black
Eye Type Standard Coloring Black, grey, violet, red
Hair Type Hair Coloring shades of grey, white
Lifespan average 380; max 480 Language common, drow
Physical Extras None Breeding Any except asexual and egg layers.

Base Statistics

-1 1 0 1
0 0 0 400

General Physical Description & Biology

Vary widely. Basic humanoid form: two arms, two legs, two eyes, one nose, one mouth with elegantly pointed ears and delicate features. No "extras". They are usually considered to be quite pretty, with pointy and pointed bone structure. They have dark grey or midnight black skin and white or grey hair. Very rarely, they have black hair. Biologically, they are similar to humans, but they tend to have a high affinity to magic and a lethal grace. Their bones, while thinner than other races are just as strong, but it makes them look more slender and waif-like. They also have the ability of lightly regenerate their internal organs which cause them to live longer. It is common for this ability to go out of control and become cancerous growth toward the end of life.

Basic Personality

Varies, but tend to Neutral or evil. They use their cunning and intelligence just as much as their natural agility.

Origin and Lore

One of the first races of Tirradyn, while not as old as mrem and giants, they are among the first. It is said they split off from elves when they found the underdark, shying away from the sun to the cool recesses of the earth when they found they could rule supreme.

Naming Convention

Generally have a given name and house name/family name. Their names tend to be long with deep meaning. Every name is carefully chosen for their children within the House to have specific meaning with what rank and distinction they hold or the family wants them to embrace.

Preferred Habitat

Underground away from the sun and light in highly structured and regal cities. They like the finer things in life and their main city is Malaghar, though there are enclaves of drow elsewhere.

Society Structure

Highly matriarchal with clear hierarchical tiers. Each House has a Priestess at the top that rules over it, with those of the house falling beneath her, first women, then men in supporting roles. Power, cunning and skill are valued in their houses as well as lineage and natural talent.

RP Skills / Abilities

Vulnerable to iron and its cousin goldiron. They have excellent dark vision and get a +1 perception bonus in the dark.