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Race Info - Faedra

Faedra [TG Original]

At a Glance: Humanoid with dog legs and tail, some iridescent scales around the face and body. Shapeshifters who change into long dog-head wyrm-dragons.

Known Subraces: None

Physical Descriptions

Height Ranges between 5 - 8 feet. Females 5-6.5, males 6-8 Weight 250lbs+
Skin Type Any color humans can have Coloring Varies (any color, including Exotics such as Pink, Purple, or Blue)
Eye Type amd Coloring Humanoid eyes Coloring Color varies (any color, including Exotics such as Pink, Purple, or Blue)
Hair Type Humanoid hair Coloring Color varies (any color, including Exotics such as Pink, Purple, or Blue)
Lifespan Average 570; Maximum 700 Language Faefier (don't use it)
Physical Extras Tails, fangs, claws, dog-like ears on some, elven ears on others Breeding Faedra, Fierlan, Elven, Fukai, Human

Base Statistics

1 -1 0 -1
0 0 1 500

General Physical Description & Biology

Humanoid - The top half of each Faedra's humanoid form, regardless of whether or not they have the ears of a dog or an elf, is always a humanoid. The bottom half varies in the shift from humanoid to dog-like features, but each Faedra has a dog's paws and a hefty furred tail. Every Faedra has hair growing along their spine from head to tail and some form of shimmery scales no matter how few or how many.
Wyrm - A hybrid of dog and wyrm, with a dogs head and hind paws, elongated body, fur along the back and iridescent scaled bellies. How much or how little of each varies.

Basic Personality

Varies, but generally friendly unless angered, protective of those they see as friends and family. They love to fly.

Origin and Lore

The Faedra came to Tirradyn during Kitsuseiga along with two other races and their goddess Lunaikou from a dying world. the Faedra that have come from that dying world remember little if anything at all, as the transfer was quite traumatic for all involved.

Preferred Habitat

Anywhere in the Sky

Society Structure

The Faedra have adapted in the years since they have come to Tirradyn, taking on many societal cultures where they have settled, though there is one pocket of elusive Faedra that have settled somewhere. They are the protectors of their more magical kin, The Fierlan

RP Skills / Abilities

2 forms (request the Shapeshift and it will be given), protective of Fierlan when they bond with them (friends, Family, etc).
Magical shapeshifting