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Race Info - Faerie

Faerie [Standard]

At a Glance: Tiny Magical beings, usually with wings

Known Subraces: Bog, Sugar, Forest, Garden, Brownie, River, Cave, Pixie, Snow, and Dark

Physical Descriptions

Height 3'' - 1'2'' Weight 1l bs - 15 lbs
Skin Type Skin Coloring Variable based on sub-race
Eye Type Standard Coloring Variable based on sub-race
Hair Type Standard Coloring Variable based on sub-race
Lifespan Average 75; Max 120 Language Common, Faerie, Brownie
Physical Extras Wings, Antennae, claws depending on sub-race Breeding Faerie

Base Statistics

-1 1 0 1
0 0 1 300

General Physical Description & Biology

Faeries are small creatures who many compare to insects since they generally have wings and some even have antennae. Their forms are svelte and thin semi-transparent wings sprout from their backs, that flutter constantly like a hummingbird's, though their wings may vary too, depending on the ecosystem they reside in and watch over, as do the many shades of color, depending on the type of Fae they are. Eye, skin and hair shades that fill the spectrum can be seen as the Fae tend to be a beautiful race to behold. The height and weight of the Fae are usually similar throughout the different subraces. Because of their constant movement and flight for the winged Faerie, they need to consume high caloric food because their metabolism is quite high. Like a hummingbird, their heart beats very fast and their core temperature is normally quite high. If it drops, that is a sign of ill health.

Basic Personality

The more petite lines of Faerie tend to be reclusive and shy while those that reach the taller heights are more aggressive. By nature, Faeries are kind, though not particularly benevolent, and would rarely cause true harm to another with malice, save to protect their beloved woodlands or families. Be that said, there will be found those of the Fae blood that are truly a bit darker, for that is found within all living things. Though they only tend to be more devious if they fear nature is at risk within the areas they dwell or their homes are in danger. They live in fear of larger humanoids and creatures because they are often overlooked and their size makes them vulnerable. Because of this, they tend to hide when threatened.

Origin and Lore

It is said that the Faerie were born from nature- garden faerie from the flowers and blossoms, bogs from the swamp, river from the water and so on. Whether or not this is their origin, it is true that they fight fiercely to protect their areas. It is said that the Goddess Cherady helped them form into being as well, separating them into the types to serve their purpose. The different faerie types are unique from each other and have their own cultures depending on their environment. They will retreat

Naming Convention

The Faerie language is very musical and lyrical and thus their names tend to be the same.

Preferred Habitat

Depends on their sub-race. Most prefer the environment of their sub-species. There are several enclaves where the faerie gather; Evereska and Ahk'Faer.

Society Structure

They can be a bit insular and untrusting of larger races because of their size and vulnerability. Other than that, they blend into societies. Their communities tend to lean more into the magical and the natural based on their environment.

RP Skills / Abilities

Special Invisibility; vulnerable iron & bash, strong charm & illusions