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Race Info - Formicoid

Formicoid [Monstrous]

At a Glance:Sentient, humanoid insect people

Known Subraces: Ant, Wasp, Bee, Beetle

Physical Descriptions

Height 3'0'' - 5'0'' Weight 40 - 150
Skin Type chitonous exoskeleton Coloring brown, black, variable iridescent colors
Eye Type Insect Coloring black, yellow, red
Hair Type None Coloring None
Lifespan Average 30; max 50 Language Common, Loptering
Physical Extras depends on sub-race: Vestigial extra arms, wings, mandibles, stingers Breeding Formicoid

Base Statistics

0 1 0 0
0 0 -1 500

General Physical Description & Biology

A non-arachnid type insectoid humanoids. They are truly distinct from other humanoids. Like insects, they have no bones and instead an exoskeleton. They breath through their exoskeletons which through infuses oxygen right into their bodies. They do not have lungs like other humanoid, thus if their shell is coated they cannot "breath". The Formicoid take after their subrace with features similar to them. They are humanoid and generally stand on two dominant legs and have two dominant arms. Some have vestigial extra arms and some have wings as well to allow them to fly. Their coloring ranges from simple colors to vibrant iridescent colors as well. Their eyes see a broader spectrum of color than most humanoids into Ultraviolet which allows them to see magic. They have no lips or noses and speak by vibrating their voice box to mimic sounds and words.

Basic Personality

Almost all have an intense pull to community. They thrive in densely populated colonies and prefer to live among their kind. They can communicate iva scent- sending signals to each other via the smell. Because of this, they may be offended by the scents of others, thinking them insulting them. They think of the benefit of the whole to the detriment of themselves and without consideration of "good" or "evil". To outsiders of their community they may seem ruthless or heartless to their own. They do have individual personalities that often focus on their role within the whole. They are determined, focused, and able to get things done.

Origin and Lore

The formicoid have long lived with Tirradyn, just overlooked by other races as non-sentient monsters or were mistaken for demons. But really, they were insular within they colonies. The change of the world has sent them out to explore since they natural habitats were shifted around. There have always been signs of them in caverns and mines, even if they were not seen. Rumor has it that they can feel the changes in the land in their shells and know when changes are happening.

Naming Convention

Longer buzzing like names with hard stops like clicks. Examples: Zykak, Syzzruk, Kakzeez

Preferred Habitat

Jungles or deserts are preferred, but they have been known to have colonies in forests as well. They avoid Water and the cold.

Society Structure

They have colonies with a fairly strict hierarchy. A matriarchal Queen Mother at the top, Soldiers below that, then Spiritualists, workers, scouts, farmers, and breeders. While they have this strict role, there is room for movement within them should they find they have a skill for it. All roles are valued, and some more active than others out in the world. The Queen is usually the literal mother of the colony, but there are some colonies that have sub-queens within them. They are very spiritual and tie the colony matriarchal line into their beliefs. When a queen is sent away to form a new colony, it is a great honor to be chosen as her soldiers and spiritualist.

RP Skills / Abilities

See magic, see invis, see dark. Vuln Cold, Drown, bash. Resistant Pierce.