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Race Info - Fukai

Fukai [Preternatural]

At a Glance: a white haired dog demon shapeshifter

Known Subraces: None

Physical Descriptions

Height 4 & 1/2 - 7 feet Weight 80 - 400
Skin Type Skin Coloring pale - tan humanoid colors
Eye Type Standard Coloring Brown, Black, Blue, Green, Hazel
Hair Type Hair, not fur. Coloring Usually pale colors such as white with hints of other color
Lifespan Average 700; Max 1000 Language Nephillic, Common
Physical Extras dog ears, tail, fangs, claws, markings for the powerful Breeding Fukai, Elf, Demon, Drow, Human, half-elf, Hanyou, Orc, Half-Orc, Giant

Base Statistics

1 1 0 0
-1 0 -1 550

General Physical Description & Biology

Fukai are humanoid creatures with doggish or elven ears, and tails, with claws and fangs. They have three forms: Fully Humanoid to blend in often with pale hair and pointed ears, A hybrid form with the Ears and tail of a dog and finally that of a huge Demon Dog or Hellhound. Their skin is often pale to a dark tan when in humanoid form with white or very pale hair. While in their Hellhound form, they tend to dark colors but some have fur that is flaming and hot to the touch. Their eyes tend to be luminous and glowing while in their Hellhound form. Their Demon Dog form is quite large, sometimes nearly the size of a horse. There are those who have multiple sets of eyes as well, marking them as demonic.

Basic Personality

Aloof and cold, often come off as arrogant. Some can be amiable, or at least appear to be when the time calls for it. They vie for power, wanting to gain stripes as a sign of their rank. They can be cunning and sly as well as directly confrontational.

Origin and Lore

Fukai are one of the oldest races on Tirradyn, coming into being when the God Stianiku came into his own. They are known to have a hierarchy they live within, some being quite powerful.

Preferred Habitat

Nephilim or the highest of the Sky Isles, Ryu no Ha.

Society Structure

The fukai are the some of ruling class of demons depending on their control of an area, with the markings to prove it. Only the most powerful of Fukai have the mark upon their brows and a pair of twin striping upon their bodies, being the leaders of their courts. Those with twin striping the upper nobility, and the single stripe the lower nobility. Should one gain a stripe, or lose one, they will rise or fall within the ranks. Most Fukai do not breed outside their own species due to traditions of purity and a weakening of the bloodline. (immrequest for anything above single stripe marked fukai)

RP Skills / Abilities

Dog form, strong (+2 to strength), good eyesight/hearing. Roll Disadvantage on attacks to the senses that may stun them. Sensitive to Holy Magic -10