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Race Info - Gulanchin

Gulanchin [Anthropomorphic]

At a Glance: Hoofed anthropomorphic humanoids

Known Subraces: Equiis, Minotaur, Goat/Satyr, Sheep

Physical Descriptions

Height 4'0'' - 6'9'' Weight 200 - 650
Skin Type Hide and Fur Coloring White, Gold, Brown, Black, Grey
Eye Type Square/Rectangular Pupils Coloring Yellow, Black, Brown Green
Hair Type Hair Coloring White, Grey Blond, Brown, Black
Lifespan Average 45; Max 75 Language Equiis, Common
Physical Extras Hooves, Sometimes Horns and/or tail Breeding Gulachin, Human, Elf, Demon, Half-Elf, Hanyou, Drow

Base Statistics

0 0 1 -1
0 0 0 500

General Physical Description & Biology

The Gulachin are known for their hoofed feet. They take many forms- from the Large Bull-Like Minotaur to the small sheep. Many are fully covered in hide or fur, closely resembling their hoofed animal brethren, while others have human-like skin with just horns, some fur/hide, hooves and tail. The Gulachin tend to be vegetarian with multiple stomachs to digest their food. While they tend to be vegetarian, they are capable of eating more, though it is harder for them to digest. Despite the difficulty in digestion, they have hearty constitutions and great stamina. They need minimal sleep and even when they do sleep, they can sleep almost anywhere- even standing up. The Minotaur Gulachin have long horns and powerful bodies- male and female alike. The Equiis Resemble horses with powerful legs and stamina. The Goat/Satyr resemble goats with short or round horns and fur. Sheep gulachin may or may not have horns and generally are covered in fluffy wool. All Gulachin have square pupils, some more elongated than others.

Basic Personality

Gulachin tend to enjoy being around others, social and amiable people. They tend to be calm- until they are not. When their calm is broken, they will run wild. Once the calm is broken, it is hard to regain- especially when they are in a group. They enjoy large open spaces, usually with the view of the sky. In general though, they are a refined people, enjoying fine food, calm places and social atmospheres. They thrive in cities and among most people. There are of course those who are more primal and aggressive, especially some of the larger minotaurs.

Origin and Lore

The Gulachin have been around for a long while- though they have not always been categorized into a singular race. They were once split into Equiis and Minotaur, but as more appeared of the other sub-species it was realized they are all of the same parent race. It is said that they came into being when one of the Gods got attached to their Horse and decided to bring them into sentience. To keep his beloved friend from getting lonely, the God brought their herd to sentience as well. Over time, more and different hoofed creatures joined the herd- cows and bulls, goats and sheep.

Naming Convention

They like longer lyrical names with soft, whispering sounds. They also have a herd name. Examples: Whoonioh of the Blackhoof Tribe, Phylaasha Gra'shaa'laa

Preferred Habitat

Wide open spaces and social cities.

Society Structure

They adapt to the cities and territories where they live.

RP Skills / Abilities

Vulnerable Fear, Resistant Bash; Roll advantage on running checks