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Race Info - Half-Giant

Half-Giant [Mixed]

At a Glance: Hybrid races of Giant and another race

Known Subraces: None

Physical Descriptions

Height 7'6'' - 12' Weight 400 - 1000
Skin Type skin Coloring Pale to dark brown
Eye Type Standard Coloring Driven by parentage
Hair Type Standard Coloring Driven by parentage
Lifespan Average 165; Maximum 220 Language Common, Giant
Physical Extras None Breeding Human, Demon, Elf, Drow, Orc, Troll, Giant, Hanyou, Half-Elf, Half-Orc

Base Statistics

1 -1 0 0
-1 0 0 600

General Physical Description & Biology

They are towering humanoids. Born of a giant and another race, mixed, they take on the features of both their parents. Though they take on a much larger size, they take on the characteristics of their mixed race. They have thick, large bones to support their size. They grow steadily and slowly their whole life. They grow fastest in the first fifty years getting to 90% of their height. Their growth slows after that to help support their body and weight. They are quite strong and more agile than their full blooded counterparts. They tend to sleep quite a lot due to their metabolism, usually about half the day.

Basic Personality

Varies greatly. Can be of any Ethos.

Origin and Lore

The spawn of giants and another race, they came into being quite a bit after Giants roamed the land. Likely from the time they first interacted with other races.

Naming Convention

Names depend on their sub-race. They like names with long sounds, but tend to mimic the naming convention of the area where they live.

Preferred Habitat

Half-Giants live in a variety of places, it is easier for them to fit than their full-blooded counterparts.

Society Structure

Varies, depends on sub-race.

RP Skills / Abilities

Resistant to Bash, vulnerable to sleep. Gain a +1 on strength checks.