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Race Info - Half-Orc

Half-Orc [Mixed]

At a Glance: Mixed Race with an Orc and other

Known Subraces: None

Physical Descriptions

Height 5'8'' - 7'2'' Weight 180 - 500
Skin Type Skin Coloring Green, gray, leathery browns
Eye Type Standard Coloring Green, Black, Brown, Red, Blue, Yellow
Hair Type Standard Coloring Brown, Black, Red, Auburn, Green, Grey
Lifespan Average 60; Max 150 (mix race dependant) Language Common, Orcish
Physical Extras Tusks and sharpened fangs Breeding

Base Statistics

0 0 1 0
0 -1 0 500

General Physical Description & Biology

Half-Orc tend to take predominantly after their orcish parent with their huge frame and tendancy to increased musculature. They may have features of their non-orcish parent as well, tending to be slightly smaller in frame with increased variability in their coloring. Like their orcish parent, they have increased fibers in their muscles, making it easier for them to become large and bulky, however, not to the same extent as a full orc would. This also puts less strain on their internal organs, leading to longer lifespans. Most tend to have tusks like their orcish parent, but it is not unheard of to see a half-or without them and with additional features like horn or vestigial (non-functioning) wings from a demonic parent.

Basic Personality

Varies depending on parentage and upbringing. They tend to be loners on the outskirts as they are rarely fully accepted by either Orcish tribes or by their other parentage.

Origin and Lore

It is said that half-orc first started appearing after wars where orcs would raid villages and other settlements. Now it seems that Orcs look for those who can add strength or different features to their ranks.

Naming Convention

Names depend on their sub-race. Some even have two names; one orcish and another from the culture of their other parent. Some have a combination of the two.

Preferred Habitat

None, they tend to be loners or gravitate to cities where they are accepted. Their self-sufficiency makes them very adaptable.

Society Structure

They tend to be outsiders from both orcish culture and their other lineage. They blend into whatever society they find themselves in.

RP Skills / Abilities

Vulnerable to iron, strong versus bash