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Race Info - Halfling
Race Image

Halfling [Standard]

At a Glance: Miniature Human, half-sized

Known Subraces:

Physical Descriptions

Height 2'5'' - 4'0'' Weight 30 - 75 lbs (small)
Skin Type Skin Coloring Pale to golden brown
Eye Type Humanoid Coloring Blue, Brown, Green, Hazel
Hair Type Hair Coloring Blond, Brown, Auburn, Red
Lifespan Average 90; max 130 Language common, halfling
Physical Extras None Breeding Human, Elf, Dwarf, Goblin, Duergar, Drow, Angel, Demon

Base Statistics

-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 400

General Physical Description & Biology

Halfling are miniaturized humans. They are short, but not stocky. They do not look like children, but simply small humans. They are generally proportional, though they do tend to have large feet and hands. Their hair tends to be wavy or curly, but straight is not completely unheard of. Their features vary much like humans, making size their distinction. They have a very strong sense of taste, more so than almost any other race. Their high metabolism drives them to eat several meals in a day or they get cranky.

Basic Personality

Generally jovial and seen as peacemakers and communicators. They are not confrontational and often try to de-escalate situations with jokes. They tend to prefer safety and the comforts of home. Many like to stay in their communities, tend to their farms and gardens and while away the hours reading and spending time with friends. But, like all races, it varies.

Origin and Lore

Halflings are thought to be the progeny of dwarves and gnomes, but this is just a rumor. They are one of the many races that was created on Tirradyn when it began. They say the gods made this a Race designed to help others as friend and peacemaker. It is said that the wanderer Ziazan favors them for their welcoming nature and fine cooked meals, though she did not create them.

Naming Convention

They usually have names that are 2-3 syllables long with a family name and place of origin. Example: Hiphata Periwinkle of Potter's Field, Basinge Kettleberry of Greenland Gardens

Preferred Habitat

Prefer rural farmlands and pastoral villages over large cities, but it is not unheard of to see halfling in the larger cities either.

Society Structure

Community is very important to halflings. While it may be their halfling community, it may also be their found community. They thrive around others and have a knack for understanding people and intention. Marriage is important to halfling as is the understanding of their family tree. Most can recite their family several generations back and several branches wide. It is not uncommon for them to know who their cousin on their mother's side twice removed through marriage is.

RP Skills / Abilities

Halfling roll advantage on communication type rolls.