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Race Info - Jalachara

Jalachara [Anthropomorphic]

At a Glance: Reptilian, lizard like people

Known Subraces: None; but outward characteristics vary on reptile type

Physical Descriptions

Height 6'6'' - 7'10'' Weight 250 - 1000
Skin Type Scales of various kinds Coloring Depends on environment, but anything a lizard can have
Eye Type Reptilian Coloring Varies
Hair Type None Coloring None
Lifespan Average 60; Max 85 Language Jalachin
Physical Extras Tail, Claws and Fangs; some are venomous Breeding Egg Layers; Draconian, Some Demons

Base Statistics

1 0 1 0
-1 -1 0 550

General Physical Description & Biology

Jalachara are huge, cold blooded, lizard like humanoids. They take after various kinds of lizard- but the most common are the crocodile or alligator breed that reside in the swamps and marshes of Tirradyn. These Jalachara require water to keep their scales healthy, though many supplement scale health with diet and baths. This is not the only kind of Jalachara out there, it is known there are desert Jalachara with beaded scales like those of a gila monster rather than the more traditional ones. There are also Jungle Jalachara with brilliant lizard colors. They can eat just about anything with their powerful jaws and robust constitution. They do eat rocks as well to help them digest food. They have a natural craving for calcium to keep their teeth and scales healthy, as such dairy based products have an addictive quality to most jalachara. They are omnivorous with voracious appetites to keep their energy up in their huge bulky forms. They are muscular with tails known to be as powerful as a weapon. They have scales that they shed once or twice a year and their teeth (if they have them) regenerate. They have long, lizard like faces with eyes that do not blink, but rather have nictitating membranes they can close. They smell through their tongues and do not have ears, but rather hear through membranes on the side of their heads. They continue to grow, albeit slowly, their whole life. As they reach old age, their scales start to darken to black. That is how you know a jalachara is near death. Some Jalachin are known to be able to change their gender should there be need for it.

Basic Personality

They tend to be a bit more primitive than other races, but they are not stupid. They can be insular due to the fact that they are hunted, but some have found a place in the world. Many tend to 'mask' in front of warm bloods and play into the stereotype of being dim-witted hungry beasts. They are opportunists and scavengers and rarely turn down a meal- no matter the source. Some people are turned off because they are corpse eaters.

Origin and Lore

They are known to be protective of their home and environment and their people. Known scavengers, they also enjoy fishing. They are often seen as savage creatures and have long been taken as slaves and hunted for their skin. They tend to live in tribal family units. They have names for their different ages. Hatchlings- or infants. Anole are children. Skinks are teenagers. Varanus are adults. Finally, there are Eunectes; the elders. They tend to worship the natural ways over other ways and, depending on their tribal origin, have a belief in unknown deities or Primordials. There are not many Jalachara left in the world as they have been hunted, enslaved and killed. There was also a terrible plague that swept through the swamps of one of the largest communities of Jalachara, killing most of them.

Naming Convention

Most have a Family name and a given name. They very rarely share their given name and instead go by a nickname out in the world. If they share their family name with you, it is a sign of trust, if they share their given name with you, it is a sign of love. Their nicknames tend to be simple, either given to them or a remark on their looks. Examples of nicknames: Redclaw, Fang, Green, One, Red Bead. Their given names tend to be multi-syllable with a strong meaning behind them. Examples: Zs'looq (Mud Skipper), P'Shaan'qo (Calls the Fish), Zhu'lanquon (Fades in Sand).

Preferred Habitat

Warm places as they are reptiles and will become bromated in the winter if they get too cold. Most also enjoy the water and wet habitats.

Society Structure

They have a tribal structure, usually a chieftain, shamans and spiritualists and then a council below that. They are patriarchal most of the time, but it is not unheard of to have female leaders either. They protect the hatcheries as a tribe and many times children are placed with families based on their assumed skills and proclivities. As they go through their ages, they are trained in various ways to best gain strength and serve the community. To become Varanus, Skinks are often given a test to see where their natural skill lays, upon passing this, they are placed with others like them so they can be trained. When they pass their rituals, many have a ball or other decoration added to their tail.

RP Skills / Abilities

Color Changing ability in their scales; Tail Attack 2d6 + Damroll

Vulnerable Cold and Charm