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Race Info - Merfolk

Merfolk [Standard]

At a Glance: Water Breathing beings with scales that transform from fish tail to legs on land.

Known Subraces:

Physical Descriptions

Height 4'9'' - 5'10'' Weight 110 - 230
Skin Type Skin and Scales Coloring Skin; pale to dark brown. Scales; Grey, Blue, Green purple and iridescent
Eye Type Standard with 3rd eyelid Coloring Blue, Green, Purple, Grey
Hair Type Hair Coloring Blond, White, Blue, Green, rarely black or red
Lifespan Average 65; Max 85 Language Merfolk, Common
Physical Extras Fish-like tail when in water Breeding Merfolk, Human, Elf, Drow, Half-Elf, Hanyou, Demon

Base Statistics

0 0 0 0
0 1 0 450

General Physical Description & Biology

Merfolk can breathe in air and underwater due to the fact that they possess both gills and lungs. Their gills filter the oxygen of the water directly into their bloodstream, whereas their lungs work in a standard fashion. Their legs are covered in scales like their fish tail is. These scales are like those of a fish, overlapping and can be colorful. They have both skin and scales when on land, the lower portion of their body can shapeshift to either be a tail, when in water or legs when dry on land. Even when they are in their leg form, their legs are boned similar to that of a fish tail with a long spine and little ribs coming out on either side through the calf muscles, because of this, it can be painful for some to walk on land. Because of this, they don't have knees or ankles, but rather mimic them in their land form. It means they are incredibly flexible on land. When their tail rejoins, these bones knit together via these rib bones. They have a clear third eyelid they close when in the water to protect their eyes in the water. Their bodies are very dense to survive in the pressure of the seas, making them surprisingly heavy. Their continuous and dense bone structure also helps protect against the depths of the sea.

Basic Personality

Varies; they do enjoy people and community, but hermits are not unknown either. They can be of any ethos.

Origin and Lore

Nereus brought these people into his Seas and Oceans. He created them to survive and bring his message to the people of the land. While, for a time, they were a reclusive people, there were often legends of them brought back to the land by sailors and even pirates. Soon, as their numbers grew and their underwater cities expanded, the Merfolk made their way onto the land to continue to spread the word of Nereus and the seas. Gifted by their creator with the ability to walk on the land, but with the caveat that it may cause them pain. There is the belief that those who are closer to the sea and to the Gods of Waters will have less trouble walking on land.

Naming Convention

They have a given and family name. They sometimes also have a Sea Name and a Land name- sound travels differently underwater, so the sounds for their sea name are different to their land name that they tend to adopt similar to the place where they go first.

Preferred Habitat

Oceanic waters, preferably salt water, but they can enjoy fresh water as well.

Society Structure

They have cities underwater much like the Empires of the land. Their societies tend to be structured similarly.

RP Skills / Abilities

Waterbreathing. Resistant Bash, Vulnerable Cold & Fire.